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CEO, Owner and Lead Photographer of KhosiLuvProductions LLC.

About me

I'm Destiny Swanzetta but you can call me Destiny. Through my extensive experience as a photographer in the Delaware (DMV), New York, New Jersey, area  I've fallen in love with capturing  memories. I started KhosiLuvProductions LLC as a way to commit to helping people share their stories through photography. Every moment captured is a part of a person's story frozen in time and I'm honored to be able to capture those moments for you! From the biggest milestones to the smallest achievements I'd like to continue your story with you. Knowing how to commemorate these moments can be confusing. However, when securing an appointment with me, we can stroll through the journey of creating the right vision for you detailing those who matter, and immortalizing those moments in the form of home décor, greeting cards, announcements, invitations and more telling your story in a light where you shine best. So, secure your appointment today and with an included consultation let's see what kind of magic we can unfold...

Wedding ceremony finale.

"Capturing moments that turn into memories"

Intimate moment between newlyweds.

Let's talk

Dover, Delaware

Tel: (302) 212-4382


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